2007年11月23日 星期五

49677096 齊伶菊 Homework3

Homework 3 Revise my plan

I think my English level of CEF is A2,
I can't communicate with others in English fluently,
when I talk to others, I just say few easy words,
I can read,write,listen,
but I can't speak.

I know I need to practice speaking so that I can pass my goal-
pass the high-intermediate examination of GEPT.

My goal is reading Advanced everyday and syudying Mosaic 1 hard.

I didn't do my goal last week,
because I forgot buying Advanced,
and last week I was busy training tabble tennis for competition.
And I was sick, so I slept a lot.

I hope this week I can do better than last week!!

林孟萱 Homework 3 - G5102 Team L 49680043 Judy

Revise my Comprehensive English Enhancement Plan (After take a close look at CEF website)
After take a close look at CEF
I think my listening ability in English is between A1 and A2 level of CEF, and my reading ability in English is at A2 level of CEF. Following are my opinions how I asses my level of CEF. First, about my listening ability, when I talk with others, hear talkings of teachers and classmates, listen English songs, or watch English programs, if the speaker says at slow speed, I could understand general statements of the subject matter, but if the speaker says at average speed like the speed used in daily life, I will not clearly know what he/she says; most time in this situation, I only understand some words or parts of the statement. So I think I am between A1 and A2 level in listening aspect. Second, about my reading ability, because I have very little vocabulary, when I read articles, I often see many words which I don't know or I may see before but could remember their meanings, and I usually take long time to figure out what contexts want to express. As a result, I think I am just at A2 level in reading aspect.
After thinking over and considering, I decide to roughly maintain my original plan tentatively. As time pass by , I will properly adjust my plan, basing on what I encounter when I am undertaking my plan. There is my plan below.
My specific goal:
1. I want to pass the intermediate level test of GEPT.
2. I hope that I can understand more exactly what others say or want to express in English, such as when I talk with somebody, listen songs or watch movies in English.
My specific actions:
1. Be concentrated in English class and Listening and Speaking class, and play a part in class activities hard.
2. Read and practice chanting articles in test book after school until I can read understandably and speak fluently. When I engage in above things, I will note words which are familiar to me and consult a dictionary to find out their meanings. Beside, I will try to memorize these vocabularies.
3. Read English learning magazines like English Studio Classroom at least three times a week.
4. Listen short talks or English songs repetitively and try to realize what those speaking are communicating.
5. Practice writing short themes in English on blog.
Here are some websites I will visit:
1. Studio Classroom: http://www.studioclassroom.com/

楊雅婷 HW3 D組 G5102

I think my English level of CEF is A2
The identification of A2 is
Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance
(e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and
routine matters.
Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate
Nowadays, English is an important language in the world. It has been used in almost every country around the world. Therefore , it is essential for me to improve the skill of reading, listening , and speaking in order to broaden my horizons .

My Specific Goal:
During the future years in the university, I hope that I can
  • 1. read English articles fluently and understand what teachers said in the class without any problem
  • 2. improve my CEF level
  • to get B1.
    How to get it:
    • 1. I will find an English magazine such as CNN to read twice a week.
    • 2. Listening to the CD or MP3 which is attached with the magazine to improve my listening skill.
    • 3. Review what teachers teach in school everyday especially Accounting, Calculus, and English because those subjects are written in English.
    It has been a long time since I started to learn English. My ability to read has made obvious progress. But it is still a lot of room of listening and speaking to improve. There is no denying that success lies in diligent. I think I can do it and succeed in the future.

    2007年11月22日 星期四


    HW3楊凱容 g5102 J
    I think both my listening and reading are A2
    A2 Waystage
    Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).
    Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.
    Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.
    I don't know many words, so I just can use some simple words to express what I want to say. Also ,I just can listen understandingly some basic sentences and words.
    My goal
    I hope that I can read faster and don't rely on translate machine too much.
    I hope that I can listen more understandingly when talking with foreigner.
    How to reach?
    1. Read more.
    Read CNN English magazine everyday.
    Memorize words.
    Instead of watch Chinese subtitle, try to use English subtitle to watch a movie.
    2. Listen more
    Listen to English songs.
    Listen carefully in accordance with the subtitle.
    Also, we can speak English more frequently.

    楊凱容 hw2

    楊凱容 J組 hw2
    My Comprehensive English Enhancement Plan for 2007-2008 School Year

    My goal in 2008
    I want to pass the high-intermediate examination of GEPT.

    How to achieve my goal:

    • 1. I will read CNN English magazine everyday.
    • 2. I will listen English songs,and try to understand what it means.
    • 3. I will listen CD which given by Mosaic 1,and review Mosaic 1 after the class.
    • 4. I will try to Memorize 10 vocabularies per day.
    I will do my best to achieve my goal.I hope that my English can go a step further.

    group G g5102

    Q1. What is iPhone ? Why it is special ?

    iPhone is a product from Apple Inc.

    We can use fingers to touch the screen to do many things.

    For example, we can listen to the music , watch the vedio and photos and turn the screen into different patterns .We can also use it as a cellphone.

    Q2.The 5 reasons for using iPhone

    1. pretty

    2. touch screen

    3. ipod

    4. Wi-Fi

    5. third-party applications

    Q3.The 5 reasons for not using iPhone

    1. the price is expensive

    2. battery issues

    3. 2 year contract

    4. small capacity

    5. no 3G

    2007年11月21日 星期三

    劉佩芬G5102 D組

    iPhone has many functions. you can touch the screen to browse.

    It also has the function like ipod. You can use it to listen to music.

    By the way , when you are looking at photos, you can turn it to change the picture and you can change the size of photos by touch the screen.

    The five best reasons to have iPhone:

    • number 5 ─ third-party applications
    • number 4 ─ Wi-Fi
    • number 3 ─ ipod ( you can listen to music )
    • number 2 ─ touch screen
    • number 1 ─ pretty ( Its outlook is shining )

    The five worst reasons to have iPhone:

    • number 5 ─ no 3G
    • number 4 ─ small capacity
    • number 3 ─ 2 year contract
    • number 2 ─ battery issues
    • number 1 ─ the price is expensive

    李彥蓉HOMEWORK 2 Team A 統計一

    My Comprehensive English Enhancement Plan for 2007-2008 School Year

    In the two years of the university,
    i will get these goals,
    as follows:

    • First:i hope i can remember five new words a day.
    • Second:i can pass the GET of medium in the the years.
    • Third:i can try to take the test which is TOEIC..
    • Forth:i can read some magazines which write in english.
    • Fifth:i can talk to foreigners by basic english when i have chance.
    • Sixth:i can improve my english in the english class in the years.
    • Seventh:i can often practice to speak some English.

    李彥蓉Homework 3 G5102 A組

    Homework 3 :Revise your Comprehensive English Enhancement Plan (CEEP1.1)
    BY G5102李彥蓉 A組

    1.I think my English level of CEF is B2
    2.my goals:

    • *listen to two english songs a day and translate them to know what it mean.
    • *read three articles in English a week.
    • *try to write some articles in English in my free time.
    • *to recite five new words a day.
    3.my specific goal:
    • *pass the GEPT of medium.
    • *talk to foreigners in English fluently.

    林孟萱Homework 2 - Team L

    My Comprehensive English Enhancement Plan for 2007~2008 School Year

    My English ability is still not good, although I have been learning English for six years in the high school days. I think there are a lot of things for me to do in order to make my English better. I guess that the process of learning a language will never get an end, so the road to master my English is still long and endless. As a result, I need to make a plan; actually, that is also my English homework. My English learning plan which I think I could do and will help me to improve my English are as follows.

    My specific goal:

    • 1. I want to pass the intermediate level test of GEPT.
    • 2. I hope that I can understand more exactly what others say or want to express in English, such as when I talk with somebody, listen songs or watch movies in English.

    My specific actions:
    • 1. Be concentrated in English class and Listening and Speaking class, and play a part in class activities hard.
    • 2. Read and practice chanting articles in test book after school until I can read understandably and speak fluently. When I engage in above things, I will note words which are familiar to me and consult a dictionary to find out their meanings. Beside, I will try to memorize these vocabularies.
    • 3. Read English learning magazines like English Studio Classroom at least three times a week.
    • 4. Listen short talks or English songs repetitively and try to realize what those speaking are communicating.
    • 5. Practice writing short themes in English on blog.

    I think it is not easy to keep doing these actions in the beginning, but I will try hard to follow and put these actions into practice. Now I don't know whether this plan will work or not, I will revise and adjust my plan according to the condition when I am doing these.