2007年11月10日 星期六

G5102 Group C

Our team name is C.P.A . It's a pun. The words C.P.A is a abbreviation of certified public accountant. We are major in accounting, so we have the common goal- become CPAs in the future . Besides, there is an other meaning of C.P.A .
We hope to be creative,perseverant ,and aggressive .For the above-mentioned reason,that is why our team neam is C.P.A .

齊伶菊 G5102 49677096K組

My Compenhement Plan for English Enhancement 2007~2008

I want to pass high-intermediate examination of GEPT

2.plan-How to achieve that goal:
I want to achieve that goal by reading Advanced everyday and study Mosaic 1 hard.

3.method of track + evaluation keeping:
Imagine English is an interesting thing then you will study it everyday.And
when you understand more words you will feel more self-achievement,so you
will keep syudying it.

The Editor's Choices of the 3rd Week

We have many excellent blogs working, which may be used as the choices of this week:

林昱齊 :
陳聖勳 : Can Money Buy Happiness?

吳欣潔:Cool Whisper

陳宜平: What a strange weather~!

蘇郁玫 :Peaceful Anxiety

Still, I found a blue man video you may like it:

2007年11月9日 星期五

G5102 H

Hey, our team's Enlish name is by no means H group.
It is called"Hyperlink" ( KK: [])

Hyperlin means a place in an electronic docema=ent on a computer that is linked to another electronic document.
In fact, I find it from a book"人生十四堂創意課". The editor ,李欣頻,encourages youngests to open mind to embrace more and more imformation. The more you experience,
the better you will become. Come on, opening the hyperlink of your potential!



I think my CEF level is A2.Because I can understand some of the spoken often in life,
But I can't understand the complex articles and which have many difficult words.I can only
make a simple description of personal background and with the environment in which
this environment-related matters.

I still should strength my English ability by reading and listening.

2007年11月8日 星期四


Take a close look at Common European Framework (CEF)and fairly assess your level. Then state clearly where you think you stand in terms of ability in listening to and reading in English.
. I think my English is not very well,and I can't follow the listening easily.I can only use a little simple words to express my opinions,so I think both of my listening and reading are at the level A2.
Revise your specific goal
● Write good English compositions without small mistake.
● Remember more vocabularies and read difficult articles
● Use English to talk with others easily.
Revise your action plan based on your honest evaluation of the feasibility of your original action plan.
● Remember 10 vocabularies from English magazine every day.
● Write a composition every week.
● Watch a movie a time every month.
● Read five English articles every week.
● Listen to the CD of magazine every week.
My strengths and weaknesses
● Strengths: I can read articles more quickly.
● Weaknesses:I can't speak English very well, and my pronunciation is not very good.
● Weaknesses:When I write a composition,I can't express the meaning I thought.


When I began to learn English,I found I am afraid of speaking English with others.
My English reading is better than speaking and writing,so I want to learn more about my pronunciation and writing ability.

I will choose an English magazine and read it every week. I will try to read articles with the CD,and l want to listen to the pronunciation of every words.

Moreover,I want to learn English songs and sing songs often.

Even I can memorize the words and know the meanings of the songs

As to practice my writing ability, I want to write a composition every week.

I will use many ways improve my English ability ,such as watching movies,reading novels and using English to chat with my friends .

Finally,I hope I can do my plan strictly,and my English ability will become better in the future.


I think my English is in A2 level, maybe just like the other ordinary college students.

I can write an essay in easy words and sentences.
I can have some small talk with foreigners in easy English.
Besides, I've tried really hard keeping 7000 vocabularies in my mind in my three years of senior high school.

My goal

  • 1. Having the ability to have an intimate talk with foreigners fluently.
  • 2. Having the ability to write all kinds of assignment in English.

How to achieve my goal
  • 1. Trying to see movies in English without reading the captions.
  • 2. Listening to English songs.
  • 3. Hand in an English assignment on time every week.

God helps those who help themselves, wish I could addict to my goals and achieve them.


My goal in 2008

I want to pass the high-intermediate exam of GEPT.

By the way, can sing my favorite English song and read Taipei times " article


How to achieve it:

  • 1. Reading English article everyday and find the difficult words out.
  • 2. Try to find more opportunity to practice English conversation.
  • 3. Culture the habit of reading in English.

I will spare no stone to achieve my GOAL.


My Comprehensive English Enhancement Plan for 2007-2008 School Year

I have entered the NTPU ,and I would set the goal in the 2007-2008 school year.

My long-range goal :

1.I want to visit around the world after I graduate from school but now I don't have the ability to talk with
foreigners very smoothly.I should strengthen my English ability in the four years.
2.I hope I can pass the medium level in GEPT.

My short-range goal:

1.I wish I can understand a whole movie without any subtitles in Chinese.
2.I can know what the CNN speakers say.

How to achieve my goal:

1.I would see a movie and understand the content without seeing the subtitles
in a week.
2.To listen to the CNN every morning about 30 minutes.
3.To read Studio Classroom 2 pages everyday.

I do not know that this plan is useless, but I will still try to do it,
because no one knows not done will not succeed.

2007年11月6日 星期二


My Comprehensive English Enhancement Plan for 2007-2008 School Year

My goal in 2008~

  • 1.To pass the high-intermediate examination of GEPT.
    2.I hope I can speak english more fluently.

How to achieve my goal:

  • 1.read advanced english magazine 30minute a day.
  • 2.listen more english songs and try to know what the lyrics mean.
  • 3.when watching movies,try to understand plot by listening rather than watching subtitles.

I think english is an vital tools in this high-tech society,everyone should know how to use it. I expect someday I can speak english well just like a foreigner.

g5102學號49674402 賴盈蓁


After looking at the CEF website I think my level is B1. there are some reasons that make me to chose B1 for example when I talk to foreigners,I can understand what they mean mostly ,but sometimes if they talk too fast or they have different accent, I will ask them for saying again.

when I read an article ,if I face some difficult words or sentences, I can know the meaning from context and structure,I think this skill is very important because there are too many words to learn .we could not know all of them.

I think my speaking is worse than other skill because i feel a little shy when I talk to others in English, and there are few opportunities for me to speak English.

Now I think i should focuse on my English ability,after all, it is a global language.

2007年11月5日 星期一

莊清瑜 : G5102 K組 Homework3

The revise of my comprehensible English Enchantment Plan for 2007-2008 School Year & CEF

I think my English level of CEF is A2.When I'm reading, I have to re-read it for several times to be able to understands its meanings.And there are many words I don't understand.

The English classes in junior and senior high made me feel it majors on grammar.
During my time in college, I hope my speaking and hearing abilities could improve.
Because I don't want to keep letting people laugh about my pronunciation, and becoming mute in front of foreigners.

My goal:

  • 1.speak English more fluently and able to pronounce it currently
  • 2.pass the intermediate level GEPT
  • 3.Most of all is to be able to have a fluent English conversation with other people.
How to achieve my goal:

  • 1.study English magazines 2 pages a day
  • 2.learn one English song every week and understand the lyrics in songs.
  • 3.watch more English movies and television shows to improve my English listening ability and the time having contact with it.
  • 4.write an English blog every week
  • 5.recite 5 vocabulary and 3 phrases everyday.
  • 6.review after class and hand in homeworks on time

The websites that I intend to visit:http://www.youtube.com/
I hope I could practice my plan diligently!

The Editor's Choices of the 3rd Week

蘇郁玫 :
陳聖勳 :

Earth To America!