2007年11月3日 星期六

林佳瑩Homework 3 (G5102 Team I )


I think I am between the A2 and the B1 level of CEF.
Because I know just little vocabularies,and sometimes I don't know how to put them into sentences even if I have memorize them.I usually use simple words to express myself,so that I can converse with others more fluently.Yet now I'm learning to use appropriate words,trying to enhance my English level.


  • Review the courses after class on weekend
  • Study English magazines every day about 1 to 3 pages
  • Memorize 5 vocabularies per day
  • Read some articles to myself every week
  • Post English articles on blog every week
  • Listen to English songs or watch English movies more
These weeks I didn't read magazines every day,I think I should use my time more efficiently.And I will increase the quantity of the pages and the vocabularies gradually.


2007年11月2日 星期五


Following are photos of students in this class. The few of you who did not come to class on Nov. 2 and therefore missed the photo session must submit a photo directly to the teacher (sent to dingren.tsao@gmail.com using attachment). To view your picture, click the following pretty girl icon....


Group Photo
The group photos are arranged in different posts. Under the bottom of each post, there is a "comment(意見)" icon for you to make a comment. You are encouraged to comment on your group or on some other groups. Comments can be introduction, inquiry, remarks, suggestions, links, and etc.

You may post any information about your group progress, including activity photos, using blogger email of the class. To do so please remember to put your Chinese name and group name in the beginning of subject line. Never use attachments for the blog will not take it. The frequency of the comments and additional posts will be counted for the group grade for this semester, which will be finally added up to your personal grade.

Group I

Group H

Group G

Group F

Group E

Group D

Group C

Group B

Group A

張譯升HW3 G5102 TeamJ Eason

I think my CEF level is A1. I have only a small vocabulary, that I could not express my thought clearly, the situation is even worse in dialogue. I often translate Chinese sentences into English sentences directly. It's not right, and I need to think by English way. My conversation is the achiles' heel, I don't speak fluent English at all. So I think my level is A1.

This time, I have to revise CEEP after one week's test. In my previous plan, I had to listen to English songs, watch movie, and read magazine. But there were two little problems. First, the time of searching the song I want was too much. Second, the conversations in the movie were often too fast to follow. Fortunately the problems were not serious. I could find the 80's classic songs instead of pop songs. I could download the DVD vision, which could change subtitles.

張譯升HW2 G5102 TeamJ Eason

My comprehensive plan for English enhancement

University is a brand new study environment, I must to be more voluntarily to aquire English instead of merely to learn it.

I don't have ambitious to familiar with English in a short time. I wanna make it mix in my ordinary life, that is exactly what I want. In my idea, there are three ways to achieve.

First, Listen to English pop song every day, and try to sing it. Second, watch a movie on weekends and memory the important sentence. Third, buy Times monthly, the news can always give the popular word we ought to know.

I am the laziest student that can be found. Perhaps I may well be proud of having done better jobs than others and therefore take greater interest in English. As people so often do, I have the desire of mastering English. I hope I will gain this goal in the near future by doing my best, and some day I could go abroad by my own, seeing the true different world.


I think my listening and reading both are A2.
There are too many words i don't know.
When i am reading I always guess the word meaning.
Maybe sometimes is correct but it means the real ability ...not good.
In the past,pass the test is the most important.
However, the most important now isn't only pass the test.
revise the goals:

  • Gain more artciles to read from2 to 4
  • Gain more blogs to train english ability.
  • Try to listen redio twice a week.
  • Recognize more words and know the words how to use.
step by step ...I think is the best way now for me.

吳冠英Homework3,G5102,,Team L

Revise my comprehensible english enhancement plan
2007-11-02 00:03:40
After taking a look at common european framework(CEF),I refer

both my english listening and speaking abilities to the level 3(B2).

Revised Plan:

  • 1.To memory 20 vocabularies a day from the book "Vocabulary 7000".Some of them maybe the words that I have known before,so I think it could be done much easier.
  • 2.Go to the convient store and read the Taiwan Times for free everyday.

I'll read not the whole news paper,instead,some of its sections

such as the world news or business.

Comparing with listening,I'm much good at reading,but there is still

rooms for improvement.

I give the priority to my reading ability ,because most of my text

books are written in english. In order to study faster,the

importance of reading ability should be emphasize to me.

The websites that I intend to visit:

高千涵g5102 G組 HW3

Revise your Comprehensible English Enhancement Plan

高千涵 G組 HW3

1.I think my reading+listening ability is B1.
AlthoughI'm B2, I still can't fully understand the meaning of the article,so I think I should extand my vocabulary.
My listening ability is really poor for I seldom listen English programs on the radio or watch them on TV.

2.Revise your specific goal
Revise your action plan
I review my goals carefully, I found I didn't have so many time as I imagined before.
I must turn my goal 2.into that r
ead English magazine, Advance, just on holidays and memerize the new
words when taking the bus or the MRT from monday to friday.
I have to pass the GEPT medium level at least before summer vacation in 2008.

strenth: I always read trip magazines or books about French becaus I'm in fever of the life style of French. My dream is to take a journy to French after I earn enough moneny.
I have to sharp my English ability to realize my dream.
weakness:I'm afraud of being active to talk to the foreigners

5.provide the links to the websites that you intend to visit.


高千涵G5102 G組 HW2

My Comprehensive English Enhancement Plan for 2007-2008 School Year

高千涵 G組

After I enter the college, I want to achieve some goals to improve my English ability
including speaking reading and writing.

There's some goals I set :

1. Pass the GEPT medien level test.
2. Read English magazine, Advance,one page a day.
3. When I have free time or when I am tired of the magazine, I will listen to the
English songs and learn to sing with the music.
In this way, I would never hate learning English but be more active to learn it.
4. I hope I can have more confidence and couragement in talking to the foreigners
when they ask questions to me.

I don't want to expect to much of me in the begining, but I wish I can make effective
progress in English bit by bit in the coming four years.

2007年11月1日 星期四

鄭華漢g5102 homework 3 G組

After take a close look at Common European Framework,I think my listening and reading level are both A2.
That is I find I can't understand what speakers are saying fully. Besides,the vocabulary I know is too few.
Revise your specific goal
Pass the GEPT test(high-intermediate) next year.
Talk to my family and friends in English.
strengths and weaknesses
My strengh is reading.
My weaknesses are listening and speaking and writing.

The websites that I intend to visit
ICRT http://www.icrt.com.tw
Google Earth http://earth.google.com/
Youtube http://www.youtube.com/

溫宏鈞G5102 homework

I think my level is b1.

Independent User:

Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters
regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.
Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area
where the language is spoken. Can produce simple connected text on topics
which are familiar or of personal interest. Can describe experiences and events,
dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions
and plans.

My goal :1.I want to watch the baseball and basketball game without chineses subtitle.To achieve this goal. I would read the sport news paper in english.knowing the imformation about baseball and basketball.

2.I want to see the movie with English subtitle and I can understand the main point in the movie.Then , writting down my thougjts about the movie.Finally , I want to see the movie without any subtitles.

3.I want to write diary on my blog in english.But my ability of writting is not good enough to do this goal.I want to make some progresses by writting some sentences every day.

吳曼綾G5102,Homework 3A,E組

My Comprehensive English Enhancement Plan(CEEP1.1

劉梧柏5102英文P班 L組

I think my English level is A2.
I can read some articals which are not that difficult.
But whatever level I am, I still have to improve my English !!!

I found some difficulties with my goal,so I have to revise my specific goal.
I am ashamed of myself because I found that spending half an hour listening to the
English radio was not easy.So I planed to listen to the radio once after three days.
And that may let me have more time to read these articles.
And I found that MLB website was a good place for those who likes baseball.
I could know a lot of news of MLB and improve my English at the same time.
I am not sure if it is the perfect plan,but I will try to do my best to achieve the goal.



The revise of my comprehensible English Enchantment Plan
l Assessment:After reading the CEFI thought my listening comprehension is at A2, because I could not catch main point of video or TV programs on current affairs or topics of personal. That is , I could not achieve the requirement of B1. Reading comprehension is at B1 , because I can not identify the proper none like vocabulary of big city or country. Therefore, I would pay attention to the international news in CNN or BBC.
l Goal: I want to be my father's English assistant in business. To achieve this goalI should have an ability to be his simultaneous interpret, and translator for English documents . Besides, I also want to be capable of writing English files. Consequently , I must improve the following comprehension.
l How to do?
I separate the train into four part
1. Listening comprehension: I would listen to short news report of bussiness or politics on CNN or CD accompanied with book for an hour two times a week.
2. Reading comprehension: I would not read class book only. I would read the international bussiness news of CNN or BBC. Besides, I also read the short article in Wikipedia to broaden my horizons for an hour twice times a week.
3. Speaking comprehension: When I read an article, I would recite it with correct pronunciation. I think that is a good method.
4. Writing comprehension: I join in guitar club this term, and I would practice lots of Chinese songs. To sing with touching tone, I try to get in touch with the writer's feeling and savor the lyrics. Therefore, I would write down my feeling of the song in English in my blogs once a week. I would do it when I take bus to Taichung.
l The prize for achieving the goal: If I met my goal, I want to increase the practice time of guitar.

林泯輝My CEF Level & Revise Goal

After a close look about CEF levels description ,
I think my listening ability is at B2 level(Can interact with a degree of
fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers
quite possible without strain for either party.)
My reading ability is at B2 level(Can understand the main ideas of complex
text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions
in his/her field of specialisation.)
In addition , I have to revise my Comprehensible English Enhancement Plan
entirely due to I participate serveral clubs.
Therefore , it's about 10 o'clock when I get home every.
The following are my revise plan:
I will buy medium high studio classroom & CD then put the lessons into my MP3
player so that I can listen to it when I am on the school bus. I will read 2
or 3 composition on Saturdays & Sundays. Also , I will change to Advanced after
I can understand it completely.
I will read the Economicial News at least once a week so that I can learn
some economical words & get the up-to-date information. Besides , I can train
myself to understand which information is really useful & the meanings &
effections behind those words. I think this also can be a preparation for
I will translate the two goals into the habits.
Campare to other classmates , I think my goals are much more easier.
However , it is hard to achieve because it is so easy.
And I Will Achieve It.



Revise My Comprehensive English Enhancement Plan (CEEP1.1)

A. Take a close look at Common European Framework (CEF)and fairly assess your level. Then state clearly where you think you stand in terms of ability in listening to and reading in English.

  • Both of my listening and reading are in the level A2. It is because I can only understand simple sentences. To listen some sentences in English, I always realise that it's speed is too fast for me.
B. Revise my + Specific goal +

陳宜平G5102 H組 homework3

HOMEWORK3 G5102 H組 陳宜平
I think I am at the level of A2 Waystage.I think my ability of reading is over A2,but when it comes to listening or talking,I have no confidence to be the level over A2.I believe that we all have studied many words in high school,but the point is how to use them.This is my problem,too.When I use the language of English,sometimes I can't describe the thing that I want to present.After looking up the electronic dictionary,I usually let out a big cry:"Oh,just this word!Why can't I remember it before?"So,this is the reason why I think I am in the level of A2......I am not familiar to use the words I know accurately and influently!

And here comes to revise my goals.I think the basic things to improve my English are to reading magazine and remember phrases or words everyday.I have read TIME magazine for 2 days ,because it was sent to me just 3 days before.I will finish one TIME magazine everyweek,because it will be sent weekly.And I will choose at least 2 articles which I inteset in to read everyday.As I had said before,if I feel it is not fit to me,I will change magazine(ex:advanced),and read it one or two pages everyday.I am also remembering at least 3 phrases everyday.Now I'm remember Dickson(phrases),and it goes well.The other goals(ex:read noticable books......)will be affiliated to those 2 goals and will not change.
- - - - - - - - BY RACCOON

陳聖勳-G5102 Homework 3, Team Falcon-

Homework 3

Revise my Comprehensible English Enhancement Plan (CEEP1.1)

Nowadays, English has become the most important communication tool over the world. As a citizen of Taiwan, a country rely on trade with foreign countries, we should ask ourselves to improve our capabilities of English; otherwise we will lose the competitiveness. But how can we learn and progress efficiently? I think there is no shortcut to succeed, but a positive way to make us progress gradually; it's just practice.

As the saying goes "Actions speak louder than words." I consider that I should be more positive; after all, it is easier to say than do. Therefore, I revised my original CEEP according to my CEF level – B1, trying to strike a balance between ideality and reality. I classify here are my revised CEEP:

l Specific Goals:

a. Pass the high-intermediate examination of GEPT next year.

b. Be able to talk to teacher and classmates fluently in English.

c. Have the capability of realizing what teacher said in class.

d. Have the ability to write down what I thought without translation software. In this way, I can present my opinion and mood in English

l Specific Actions :

a. Memorize 10 new words per day, and realize definitely how to use it.

(The reason for doing so is that I don't have sufficient quantity of vocabularies, and that is always a problem in my reading.)

b. Spend half an hour listening to the radio program of Studio Classroom everyday.

(It provides me a chance to improve my poor listening ability, and imitate foreigner's accent.)

c. Spend at least10 minutes chat with my classmates in English everyday.

(In this way, I will be accustomed to say in English, and won't be shy to speak in the class.)

d. Read an article of news per day, such as BBC, CNN, and China Post.

(It can not only improve my reading capability, but broaden my horizon)

e. Write down something interesting in my daily life, and record what I have done in carrying out my CEEP.

(Doing so, I can update my blog ceaselessly, and achieve my goal step by step.)

l Here are some websites that I want to visit:

2007年10月31日 星期三

陳怡婷-Homework3 G5102 I組‏

1.Revise My Comprehensible English Enhancement Plan
>>write my english blog at least once a week
>>read an english novel every two weeks(the first one is "Matilda" which is my homework in senior high but I didn't read it= = )
>>sing an english song ,understand its meaning and remember its lyrics every week.
>>review after english class every week.
my goal:
I hope I can know what the singers sing without watching its lyrics and enhance my reading speed.
And I hope I can carry out my plan thoroughly!

2.I think my level of CEF is A2.

Last week I learned a new song "Bizarre Love Triangle"
It's a sad song.I can sing a small part but I didn't remember all the lyrics.
And this is the only one I realized in my plan@@
I think I should spend more time in practicing English and put more enthusiasm about it.
I believe I can do it!


Homework 3 :
Revise your Comprehensive English Enhancement Plan (CEEP1.1)
I think my ability in listening is B2.
I think my ability in reading is B2.
After classes, I thought about my English plan for a long time. The first thing that I do is reading short article on the internet every day. To improve English ability isn't easy. It needs stability to persist. So I decided to begin at small aspect. I also listen to English songs. The lyrics of songs can make me know the words and conversations that often use in everyday life. I can learn lots of from doing so.

蘇郁玫-Homework 3 G5102 K組

Homework 3:Revise My Comprehensible English Enhancement Plan
I think my listening level is A2 and reading level is B1 in CEF. As the CEF Self-Assessment Grid said, I can catch the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements. But I seldom can understand the main point of many radio or TV programs. i think my listening ability is not very well, and I still have a big room to improve. As for my reading ability, I can read general article. As regards English books, I think it is still so difficult to me. But I will do my best to improve my English ability.

This week I didnt do well on my plan. For example, I haven`t read my English magazines in this week. But I have collected some English songs and upload them to my blog. I am learning how to sing them now!^^

Following is my new goal:

  • 1.Read English magazines page2-4 or Our Daily Bread 2 chapters every week.
  • 2.Learn at least one English song every week.
  • 3.Write at least one article in English on blog every week.


薛文婷Homework 3:Revise my Comprehensible English Enhancement Plan(CEEP1.1)E組5102

I think my English level of CEF is A2
The level A2 definition is in listening and speaking I can express simple opinions.
In reading I can understand the general meaning of a simplified text book or article, reading very slowly.
In writing I can write a very short simple narrative or description.

My English ability is not enough,I have to touch English everyday to ehance my competitiveness.

Last week,I found I did not do this thing indeed ,I felt embarrassed a lot .It is time to let me revise my Plan .

First:I have to read three articles from China post every week to enlarge my vocabulary.
Second:When something happy or sad happened to me,I try to write down with my diary in English.

Third:When I find the foreign words,I have to memorize those and write down in my notebook.
I want to Pass the high-intermediate level of GEPT in this school year.This year,I hope I can do the mentioned I set up.

I not only have plan but also have perseverance to attain my goal.
Do notdawdle,Winnie~~

蔡怡青-HOMEWORK3 G5102D組

I think my level is A2
I can use some sentences to communicate with forigners
I can read some easy articles and get the main idea without dictionaries.
Beside,I passed GEPT 中級 but I think my English ability descend after the vacation.

My goal

  • 1. Talk to forigners fluently.
  • 2. Can get the main idea of the articles which I read.

How to achieve my goal

  • 1. I spend half of one hour reading EZ Talk.
  • 2. Put an article every week on my blog.
  • 3. Listen to some slow and simple songs.

Finally, I hope I can carry out my plan with perseverance.

廖芷婕-HOMEWORK3 G5102 D組

  • 1.I think that my level is A2.Because my English abilities are not very good,I think that I still have to study much.I have to improve my English skills,especially listen and speak.I am afraid of speaking in class.Our teacher always tell us in class that we have to encourage ourselves to speak loudly and actively.So,I think speaking is the thing that I must learn in this term.
  • 2.I must revise my goal,because I think that I have to let my goal more specific.

my Specific goal:
  • 1.listen ICRT every day
  • 2.watch English movies or series every week
  • 3.read the essay in English maganize or my textbook every day
I will carry out my new plans,because I think that will improve my English skills.

林家綾 G5102- Homework3-CEEP1.1

I think my English level of CEF is A2. I can express simple opinions using expressions,and understand the general meaning of a simplified text book or article, reading very slowly.
I found that I didn't achieve these plans made by myself , therefore , I have to revise my original plan to improve my English.My goal is to pass the English class in this school year.To achieve my goal,I make up my mind to do something as follow:
  • 1.I will enter the blog of class G5102 usually to get some important imformation.
  • 2.I will finish every homework on time.
  • 3.I will attend and pay attion to my English class every Friday.
  • 4.I would like to read one article a week,so that I can promote my reading ability.
  • 5.I want to listen songs which is sung in English.
By doing so,I hope I can promote my reading and listening ability and get good grade in my English learing.

巫孟凌-Class5102 Team A

Class5102 Team A present by Monica
Homework 3 :
Revise your Comprehensive English Enhancement Plan (CEEP1.1)
Read an article of TIME each day , and avoid using dictionary when I'm reading so that I can practice my reading ability .
I think I can buy a China Post a week because it's impossible for me to read a whole newspaper in English per day ! So I can choose what I'm interest in and read it when I'm free . It makes me not only know what happened to the world but also get various of information in many aspects .
My ability in listening is B2. I can understand studio classroom's program on TV what they're talking about . But in other ways like movie or video are a little hard for me to follow cause they speak so fast . Although it's a task for me I still do it ! I believe that it will do good for me and no bad for me .
My ability in reading is B2.
This year my goal is that I can do well all above what I'm planning and study from Prof. Tsao's abundant experience to enhance my English ability .

巫孟凌-Class5102 Team A

Class5102 Team A present by Monica
Homework 2 :
Comprehensive English Enhancement Plan
Few days ago , I saw a handbill of English magazine. I thought that I should read more articles to enhance my English. I subscribed TIME magazine and so did my friend. I'm very happy about it because we can share our thoughts and questions each other. We always want to enhance English ability , but it's no use saying about it without taking actions. So I make a great decision to subscribe English magazine and read it everyday. Although lots of people say that TIME is too difficult to us to read ,I can regard it as a recreation rather than just study. Magazine has lots of informations for me to gain the latest news of the whole world. Custom makes all things easy. I'll make large progress if I follow my plan step by step.

林盈潔-G5102 Homework3-E Amy

●My Comprehensive English Enhancement Plan (CEEP1.1)

After last English class, I understand how to arrange my English Enhancement Plan even more.

I have referenced other classmates' plan, and joined my idea.

I think this plan is more realistic and attainable than last one.

I `m always afraid of English learning, because I think I don`t have an aptitude for English leaning.

I hope I could implement this plan precisely, so that my English ability could progress.

I think my English level of CEF is A2.

Because in listening and speaking I think I could use simple vocabularies to express myself and understand what others talk about in simple conversation. In reading, I could understand the general meaning of a simplified article.

My plans are as follows

1.Pass the high-intermediate level of GEPT in this school year.

◎2.Preview the English courses in Thursday evenings, and review the courses on weekends.

3. Study English magazines "Advanced" about one page a day, and listen the CDs of the magazines from Monday to Saturday.

◎ 4.Read one to two English novels a month and the level of the novels are from easier to harder.

◎5.Listen to English songs and watch English movies or TV series .

◎6.Write English diary two or more a week, and then put that on my English blog.

曹凱倫-Homework3 G5102-A Karen

I didn't do anything to improve my English ability since last week.

I think I am lack of perseverance.

However,I will cheer myself up now.
As the porverb goes,actions speak louder than words.
Only when I work hard can I improve my English.

1.I think my English level of CEF is B1.

2.revise My Comprehensible English Enhancement Plan:

*read three articles a week(from All+)

*listen to english songs every day and
try to know one song's meaning every week

*try to keep diary in English

Most important of all,I should do them on time.

No excuse.

3.My Specific Goal:

*pass the Gept 中高級

*read more than 20 pages in an hour
(books which written in English)

4.the internet web I want to introduce is Student post


Homework3 G5102-A Karen

韓佳恩-Homework3 G5102-H

Homework 3 -Revise my comprehensive English enhancement plan(CEEP1.1)

Frankly speaking, I consider that I have made progress my English ability gradually. And my English level of CEF is A2 Waystage.

Because I think in reading aspect I can understand sentences and articles much easily; in listening aspect I can realize some simple and routine conversation. While even I have no chance to communicate in English with others, I believe that I possess the ability to describe in simple terms aspects of one background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need. In general, I assess my English level of CEF as A2.

When it comes to my specific goal, I think there is a little frustration on carrying on my action plan. I find that I over-estimate my capability. Because I can't make good use of time and there have been too much affairs such as the practice of cheer team currently, I don't achieve some plan I made. Therefore, I have to revise my original plan.

As regards the second point of my action plan, I want to change this to . I spend too much time on realize the meaning of the articles in "Advance." I am afraid that if I execute my plan thoroughly, I may not have time to study my major and other subjects.

Owing to the cheer team competition, I, honestly, didn't carry out my plan thoroughly. Merely read a little "Advance" and listen to some music "True - Ryan Cabrera"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRaKGCmVH1U(so touching!) "My Happy Ending".

I expect that I can turely carry out my plan this time after my sundry things eventually reduce.

卓咨廷-HOMEWORK3 G5102 B組

1. I think my English level of CEF is A2.
Because I alaways use simple vocabularies when I talk to foreigners.
I also understand a little vocabularies when I talk to foreigners.
Moreover,although my reading is not good,I can understand the approximative content.
2. Revise my specific goal
Because the english is more and more important in nowdays.
We should progress our english ability.
How to progress it?
First,because my listening is not good,I think I should promote it.
I will listen to ICRT once a week and two english songs a week.
Second,reading is also important!
I decide to read a book of Reader's Digest(english edition) in two months.
The Reader's Digest is not onlg give me new information but also
strengthen the reading ability.
Third,I wish I can sing english songs without seeing the lyrics.
I decide to memorize an english song every weel.
I wish I can finish these goals indeed.
3.I think I am a little lazy.
I alaway delay my program and waste the time.
I hope I can do everything in time and be more active.
4.I recommend this web site.
You can see the lasate news in this web site.
You can learn the professional english,too.

Fwd: HOMEWORK3 G5102 卓咨廷 B組



林怡婷-Homework3 G5102

G5102 林怡婷 Team name:Best

My comprehensible English enhancement plan (Revised)

Honestly, I think that it is easer to say than do.

These days I spent most of my free time preparing for the cheer competition.

I think it is difficult to follow the plan for English improvement I setted up last week.

Because as a freshman I have many extracurricular activities,

this time I had some changes in my plans.

  • 1.I will choose studio classroom as my daily reading.And I will follow the date study the article.Memorizing 5 new words every day on the magazine.
  • 2.Listening to ICRT when I surf the Internet or chatting with my friends with MSN.
  • 3.Every month I will learn at least one new English song.
  • 4.Writing English blog every week.

My final goal:

  • 1.I wish my English average grade can higher than 75.
  • 2.I wish one day I can figure out what jokes are told on ICRT.
  • 3.Keeping learning English every day with perseverance.

By the way, I level my listening and reading both at B1.

吳中翔-Homework 3-G5102 G組

Homework 3 -G5102 G組 吳中翔

1.Revise My Comprehensible English Enhancement Plan

My new goals:
*Read the CNN magazine one article every week.
*Practice wirting blog in English every week.
*Listen to English songs, watch English movies and books in my free time.
*Pass the GEPT middle-level this year.

2.I think my level of CEF is A2 Waystage.
Because my English ability is not very well, I only can use the basic and simple words to communicate with people, so I think my level of CEF is A2 Waystage.

3.This week I read a aricle in CNN magazine. It's talking about the flight left Taiwan cracked in Okinawa's Naha Airport. I remerber I was so shocked when I watch this news on TV. Besides, it's lucky that on one was injured in this horrible accident.
After reading this article, I also learned some new words and phrases such as fleet(n.機隊.船隊),ground(v.使停飛.禁飛),and close call (千鈞一髮).

4.The websites that I intend to visit is The China Post. (http://www.chinapost.com.tw/)

潘巧紋-G5102 Homework 3 H組

Homework 3 Revise your Comprehensive English Enhancement Plan (CEEP1.1)
I think my English level of CEF is between A2 Waystage and B1 Threshold.
I don't have much confidence on listening and speaking.
Actually I'm not really sure I have the ability to reach level B1...
Well,maybe I should just carry on.
After these days,I have found out that it's a sort of difficult to me to carry out all my plans.
It seems that I won't really make great efforts if I don't give myself some pressures.
For this reason,I do some revision for my "Comprehensive English Enhancement Plan."
I hope I will push myself to do it better.
Here are my revised plan:
-First,keep updating the blog at least once a week.
By doing this,I believe I would get used to writing in english and use words more smoothly.
-Second,to improve my poor reading,I want to read one news report every day on the CNN.com.
I believe it would help me a lot,and I hope I could make it a habit.
-Third,take notice on any piece of english logograph or music on the street,see how much do I undersand.
This will be definitely a easy way to get used english,I guess.
I think these are the goals I could reach so far.
I will try harder.

楊雅婷 D組 (G5102)

楊雅婷My comprehensible plan for English enhancement plan 2007~2008 (hw3)
Nowadays, English is an important language in the world. It has been used in almost every country around the world. Therefore , it is essential for me to improve the skill of reading, listening , and speaking in order to broaden my horizons .

My Specific Goal:
During the future years in the university, I hope that I can read English articles fluently and understand what teachers said in the class without any problem.

How to get it:
  • 1. I will buy an English magazine such as CNN to read every month.
  • 2. Listening to the CD or MP3 which is attached with the magazine to improve my listening skill.
  • 3. Review what teachers teach in school everyday especially Accounting, Calculus, and English because those subjects are written in English.
It has been a long time since I started to learn English. My ability to read has made obvious progress. But it is still a lot of room of listening and speaking to improve. There is no denying that success lies in diligent. I think I can do it and succeed in the future.

劉佩芬-G5102 D組 Homework 3

I think my English level of CEF is A2.

The identification of A2 is
"Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance(e.g.very basic personal and family information,shopping,local geography,employment).Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background,immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need."

When I talking to a foreigner,I just can communicate with him by some short sentences.
During this year,I want to enhance my English abilities.I set a goal for myself─to pass the high-intermediate examination of GEPT.
How to achieve my goal?
  • 1.read one article in CNN magazine every week.
  • 2.listening to English songs or radio two times every week.
  • 3.write an English diary every week.
Last week,I didn't do very well on my own plan.I havn't read one article of CNN magazine.
And I didn't pay attention to my English plan.I hope I can pay more attention on my English plan from now.
Believe myself that I can do very well!

2007年10月30日 星期二

鄭人豪-G5102 - Homework 3 (Team Falcon - )

Revise My Plan

Because the previous plan is not very complete,I have to revise something of that .Now,I will announce my own plan in detail.

  • 1. As the English classes is very precious,I will use this four hours more seriously.I will finish the homework on time,preview the article that this week will read,and review the article after the class.then.
  • 2. I will read five news articles a week,so I will often enter the website like BBC NEWS,NEW YORK TIMES,and Al Jazeera English.And,this is my plan to enhance my English reading.
  • 3. I plan to improve my writing ability by writing this blog.I hope it can be useful to my English
  • 4. I will watch the TV channel like Discovery and CNN,or movies to improve my listening ability.Maybe once or twice a week.
  • 5. last,I'm not sure,but I hope I have the chance to talk with others by English,because speaking is the most important ability to communicate with foreigner.
writing,if I can write two articles a week.

蘇盈瑋 G5102 Homework 3

I think my English level of CEF is A2 Waystage.
The definition of A2 is "Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance.Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need."
Because I don't think I can speak English fluently in communication with foreigners.
For example, one day two foreigners asked the way to me, but I could only catch few key words such as "NOVA" or "computer".
Honest speaking, last week I planned reading some articles but I didn't do it.
I hope this week I can read one or two.
However, I listened to some English songs such as "Way Back into Love" or "I'm with you"(Avril Lavigne).
This two songs are all about love.
And I am very happy that I can understand what thay sing.
Hope I can continue realizing my plan for learning English.


蘇盈瑋-G1502 Homework2

My Comprehensive English Enhancement Plan for 2007-2008 School Year

It has been six years since I started learning English in 2001.
So far, I think my reading ability is not bad.
But my listening, speaking and writing ability are very poor now.
Therefore, I want to improve them better this school year.

To improve listening ability, I want to listen to a lot of English songs and try not to read lyric books.

Moreover, listening to English songs has another advantage.When I listen to English songs, I can sing with it.
By doing so, I think articulation will be better than now.

As to improve writing, I think I should read more articles and learn their technique of writing.

I hope I can follow what I planned and realize them distinctly.


2007年10月29日 星期一

黃郁婷 g5102 -H homework 3

English homework 3 (Revise specific goal) G5102 -H group:Pythia

It's true that greater Englisg ability has an impact on studying.!

By means of English,we broadly have aceess to learn more various knowledge and culture.!

However,planing an efficient and specific plan is much better than working hard without any plan!!

When it comes to my study plan, I always rely on an important rulr- studying step by step.

  • 1.I arrang 1hr to study Time magzine. (I had finished the arrangement!Now,I have the habit of reading Time everday!)!
  • 2.I concentrate on English tescher's instruction and bear in mind.(I am convinced that I focus completely on teasher!)!
  • 3.Making it a rule to preview and review what I study today and push myself to get the bottom og aknowledge.(Perhaps,I finished 75%!!)!
  • 4.Listening English magzines 0.5 hours a day. (From 10/12 to 10/29 , I had finished it thothroughly! )
  • 5.Again, I put emphasis on studying step by step.

Besides, English listening and speaking are also my top goal! After all,we live in a vast world full of "people"!!

I am bound to take courage to talk to person from country to country. In order to acheive my goal , I make great effort searching of some English website

which offer English listening practice .Much to my great surprise,I happen to find a fabulous English listening websites when browsing hrough
websites !

<< http://english.csie.ncnu.edu.tw/ >>

Sincerely, I provied the website for someone who desires to enhance his/her

abilities of English listening and speaking! I wish I could help you!