2007年10月31日 星期三

蘇郁玫-Homework 3 G5102 K組

Homework 3:Revise My Comprehensible English Enhancement Plan
I think my listening level is A2 and reading level is B1 in CEF. As the CEF Self-Assessment Grid said, I can catch the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements. But I seldom can understand the main point of many radio or TV programs. i think my listening ability is not very well, and I still have a big room to improve. As for my reading ability, I can read general article. As regards English books, I think it is still so difficult to me. But I will do my best to improve my English ability.

This week I didnt do well on my plan. For example, I haven`t read my English magazines in this week. But I have collected some English songs and upload them to my blog. I am learning how to sing them now!^^

Following is my new goal:

  • 1.Read English magazines page2-4 or Our Daily Bread 2 chapters every week.
  • 2.Learn at least one English song every week.
  • 3.Write at least one article in English on blog every week.
