2007年10月31日 星期三

陳怡婷-Homework3 G5102 I組‏

1.Revise My Comprehensible English Enhancement Plan
>>write my english blog at least once a week
>>read an english novel every two weeks(the first one is "Matilda" which is my homework in senior high but I didn't read it= = )
>>sing an english song ,understand its meaning and remember its lyrics every week.
>>review after english class every week.
my goal:
I hope I can know what the singers sing without watching its lyrics and enhance my reading speed.
And I hope I can carry out my plan thoroughly!

2.I think my level of CEF is A2.

Last week I learned a new song "Bizarre Love Triangle"
It's a sad song.I can sing a small part but I didn't remember all the lyrics.
And this is the only one I realized in my plan@@
I think I should spend more time in practicing English and put more enthusiasm about it.
I believe I can do it!
