2007年10月31日 星期三

吳中翔-Homework 3-G5102 G組

Homework 3 -G5102 G組 吳中翔

1.Revise My Comprehensible English Enhancement Plan

My new goals:
*Read the CNN magazine one article every week.
*Practice wirting blog in English every week.
*Listen to English songs, watch English movies and books in my free time.
*Pass the GEPT middle-level this year.

2.I think my level of CEF is A2 Waystage.
Because my English ability is not very well, I only can use the basic and simple words to communicate with people, so I think my level of CEF is A2 Waystage.

3.This week I read a aricle in CNN magazine. It's talking about the flight left Taiwan cracked in Okinawa's Naha Airport. I remerber I was so shocked when I watch this news on TV. Besides, it's lucky that on one was injured in this horrible accident.
After reading this article, I also learned some new words and phrases such as fleet(n.機隊.船隊),ground(v.使停飛.禁飛),and close call (千鈞一髮).

4.The websites that I intend to visit is The China Post. (http://www.chinapost.com.tw/)
