2007年11月1日 星期四

林泯輝My CEF Level & Revise Goal

After a close look about CEF levels description ,
I think my listening ability is at B2 level(Can interact with a degree of
fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers
quite possible without strain for either party.)
My reading ability is at B2 level(Can understand the main ideas of complex
text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions
in his/her field of specialisation.)
In addition , I have to revise my Comprehensible English Enhancement Plan
entirely due to I participate serveral clubs.
Therefore , it's about 10 o'clock when I get home every.
The following are my revise plan:
I will buy medium high studio classroom & CD then put the lessons into my MP3
player so that I can listen to it when I am on the school bus. I will read 2
or 3 composition on Saturdays & Sundays. Also , I will change to Advanced after
I can understand it completely.
I will read the Economicial News at least once a week so that I can learn
some economical words & get the up-to-date information. Besides , I can train
myself to understand which information is really useful & the meanings &
effections behind those words. I think this also can be a preparation for
I will translate the two goals into the habits.
Campare to other classmates , I think my goals are much more easier.
However , it is hard to achieve because it is so easy.
And I Will Achieve It.
